Saturday, December 1, 2012


In the coming month or so I'm going to be discontinuing this Blog.  I realized that I post a lot of my work all over on the web and I have a hard time remembering where every thing is.  So to aliveate that problem I'm in the process of creating a super blog to house ALL my work.

Sexy Basement Girls will be rolled into the super blog.  So there will not be an end to the BWL/BSF girl content.

I'll keep you guys posted and when I'm ready to launch my super blog.


The New Sophie

Well since that fate full day of my PC Computer crapping out,  I've been rebuilding my library of poser items.  Man I didn't think realize how much stuff I collected over the years (which is to say a lot).  Funny thing is I'm still not done yet. 

Well enough about that.  I have finally re-built one of the BWL/BSF girls, Sophie.  Since she is my favorite character I wanted to start with her.  I'm overall pleased with the way she looks.  She has more of an edge to her now.

You can thank that to me for watching the shit out of Fight Club.  I paid a lot more attention to how the aesthetic of the movie looks.  So I think that is where I'm going to take the girls as I re-build them again.

I'm still fleshing out overall design look so it will be an evolving process as I continue on.