Sunday, November 18, 2012

Long Overdue Status Update

Hello Everybody:

It's been a really long time for an update  There have been a couple of computer complications that added to this.

1) My Window's computer crashed and everything went syonara!  After this happened I WILL NEVER AGAIN BUY ANOTHER PC!!!!

2) With what happened above, I had to put some scratch together and buy an iMac along with Poser Pro 2012.  Seriously it crushed my wallet but with some of the sample renders I been toying with.  It handles better than my old PC.

3) The one saving grace in all this is that I had backed up all the files I have acquired over the years so it's going to be a while before I can have decent Poser library again.  The good thing is I get to redo the girls all over again if I want to.  (Most likely I will.)

So that is the saga I have been living the past weeks or so.  So I have not forgoten about the blog.


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